Anne Tapia of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital launched a safety series with a Mini Mission Possible. We started with Experience Autism® to help peace officers understand autism and related conditions. Then officers were paired up with self-advocates for a very successful BE SAFE Interactive Movie Screening.
Thanks to members of the Cincinnati, Forest Park, Springfield Twp, Golf Manor, Delphi and Indian Hill Police Departments for participating along with a firefighter from the City of Norwood. Anne plans to bring us back to Ohio in early 2020 for a BE SAFE Certificate Course, to build capacity for local educators and service providers to use BE SAFE in schools and the community. Contact Ann Tapia for more information,

“I promise to never reach into my pocket, pants bag or purse when I meet the police, unless they tell me to…” That’s the BE SAFE Safety Promise

Smiles at the end of a great BE SAFE experience!

This Experience Autism simulation helped officers experience the benefits of accommodating disabilities

Mariah and Officer Johnson pose for a selfie

Officer Forrest of Golf Manor PD introduced us to his canine partner, King