Lacey Eaton of MHMR Tarrant is Bridging the Gap with all three of our safety programs.
We started with Experience Autism® to help peace officers understand autism and related conditions. Then they were paired up with self-advocates for a very successful BE SAFE Interactive Movie Screening. This was followed by a BE SAFE SAFE Certificate Course, building capacity for local educators and service providers to use BE SAFE in schools and the community. Kudos to Lacey for taking action in the Ft. Worth area to address the safety needs of individuals with autism and related developmental needs. We would love to work with MHMR organizations in other counties, too!

Thanks to officers from Arlington, Forest Hill, Ft. Worth and Kennedale Police Departments for bringing smiles and positive energy to our Experience Autism® training and BE SAFE Interactive Movie Screening

Congratulations to our class of BE SAFE Certificate Course graduates who are now ready to implement BE SAFE at home, in schools throughout Tarrant County, Texas

Officers learn about accommodating fine motor issues

Officer Driver and Gabriel find out what they have in common

BE SAFE Certificate Course participants explore the BE SAFE curriculum to teach essential safety skills to diverse learners